About MyBible Basics
MyBibleBasics.com is helping lay people improving and developing their Bible literacy. We define literacy as to read, share and recall the Bible in conversation with family, friends and children so we are comfortable sharing God's Word among all people. We see the Bible as basic instruction, God's basic manual before leaving earth...
“The organization of the material in a systematic fashion to aid memory is genius.” - Mark Earley – President – Prison Fellowship
“Tom has creatively used Jesus’ four base locations for ministry to open up the basics of Christian theology – an original insight that offers much farsighted wisdom.”
Leonard Sweet – Author – Summoned to Lead, Out of the Question, Jesus Drives Me Crazy
Jesus holds out his hand and invites us to follow him on life's journey, to discover our possibilities and purpose.
Tom J. Cowley, D. Min.
Tom J. Cowley teaches the life of Christ, the Bible, church history, and Christian worldview. Dr. Cowley is a D.Min. graduate (2004) of United Theological Seminary, Dayton, OH. Tom also has degrees from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, Mill Valley, CA (M.A.T.S. - 1998) and Northwestern University, Evanston, IL (1960 B.S. and 1965 M.B.A.). Stepping back from a business career of strategic planning, Tom has “re-fired himself” with a passion that all people know Jesus and his teachings. He has served in various church leadership roles, but currently is focused on his writing and teaching ministry. Currently heads up the Doctor of Ministry program at Olivet University in San Francisco, CA. He serves as a teaching Pastor when invited to churches. The focus of his ministry is improving lay person Bible literacy. Tom teaches a number of storytelling techniques and information frameworks for information recall.
Tom’s first book, A Biography of Jesus (ISBN 978-0-9747656-1-7), tells the story of Jesus’ life around four base locations of his ministry: Nazareth, Capernaum, Judea / Perea, and Jerusalem. Thirty-two key events from the life a Jesus are ordered around these four locations. The book is in its second printing and has been used in more than 100 churches as a small group Bible study, evening teaching series, and Sunday school guide.
Tom has been married for 54 years to his loving wife, Karen. He is a proud father of two married children and four grandchildren. Karen and Tom reside in Tiburon, CA.