About MyBible Basics
MyBibleBasics.com is helping lay people improving and developing their Bible literacy. We define literacy as to read, share and recall the Bible in conversation with family, friends and children so we are comfortable sharing God's Word among all people. We see the Bible as basic instruction, God's basic manual before leaving earth...
“The organization of the material in a systematic fashion to aid memory is genius.” - Mark Earley – President – Prison Fellowship
“Tom has creatively used Jesus’ four base locations for ministry to open up the basics of Christian theology – an original insight that offers much farsighted wisdom.”
Leonard Sweet – Author – Summoned to Lead, Out of the Question, Jesus Drives Me Crazy
Jesus holds out his hand and invites us to follow him on life's journey, to discover our possibilities and purpose.
A Biography of Jesus
Comments By
Authors, Pastors, and Church Leaders
“Tom has creatively used Jesus’ four base locations for ministry to open up the basics of Christian theology – an original insight that offers much farsighted wisdom.”
Leonard Sweet – Author – Summoned to Lead, Out of the Question, Jesus Drives Me Crazy
“Tom Cowley’s A Biography of Jesus, helped me in my pastoral work. My job is to present Jesus as savior to non-Christians and to stimulate Christians to “grow up” in Christ. This excellent piece assists me in both.”
Kent Philpott – Pastor – Miller Avenue Church, Mill Valley, CA, and Author – Are You Really born Again? Why I am a Christian. Are You Being Duped? For Pastors of Small Churches
“The Guide is very easy to understand. As a teacher the book has made it easy for me to lead a systematic Bible study. This has kept me and the Church focused in one area for almost a year. This is outstanding!”
Harold Hudson – Pastor – Tremont Baptist Church, Columbus, OH, and Mentor – United Theological Seminary
“The organization of the material in a systematic fashion to aid memory is genius.”
Mark Earley – President – Prison Fellowship
“The book supported growth of each Sunday morning class member; regardless of their past knowledge or experience. The Guide engaged everyone and elevated participation by all.”
Bob Royall – Teacher, Tiburon Baptist Church, Tiburon, CA, and Director – Doctor of Ministry Program, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, Mill Valley, CA, Cynthia Klock, Facilitator
“I recommend travelers to Israel use A Biography of Jesus as a guide on our tours. It provides a geographic outline and reference for events in the life and ministry of Jesus. ”
Rosemary Schindler – Tourism Ambassador, World Express Travel - Schindler’s Ark, a Ministry of Reconciliation among Christians and Jews.
Selected User Comments
“I have always believed people who have been Christians for a long time did not know what they know. Organization in the mind is needed to be ready to ‘share an answer.’” M.A.
“Men had not participated in our Bible studies. Using events and the Biography format secured their interest and participation.” A. J.
“The storytelling aspect of this study is of great interest because I think I can retain this story style.” M.T.
“Scripture dramas from the life of Jesus and the Gospels enrich church worship services.” P. de L.
“It led me into a richer understanding of the life of Christ, new insights and new enthusiasm.” S. G.
“When I prepared the study on the Sermon on the Mount for the group it gave me so many new insights. I learned more when I did the study myself.” S. W.
“I especially liked the walk (trek) aspect of Christ’s last days. Passion week came alive for me this year.” M. M.
“The storytelling is a good tool to share with others, especially Grandchildren. I do feel better equipped.” K. C.
“I like the single page format for each study. Everything is before you.” C. C.
“I appreciated the privilege of studying and quietly absorbing the limitless reaches of the Gospels and the life of Jesus.” E. V. C. An individual, not a part of a Group
“I have just finished a personal study of A Biography of Jesus. What a joy it was to follow along with Jesus as he went through life.” B. H. An individual, not a part of a group.
Testimonials for Remember The Heart of The Bible
- “Excellent overview of the Bible. Great outline to study from, given the amount of information. Tom has a great ministry.” –R.B.
- “I am a novice and this study was extremely helpful to my organization/structure of learning.” –S.J.
- “I have always struggled with the Old Testament. Tom’s outline is a great help.” –L.V.
- “I now have a better understanding of what “love” means, and in particular, what “love neighbor means.” –C.C.
- “Tom has packed a lot of valuable, organized information into a user-friendly package. I love how concisely he has organized and/or summarized the Bible. I think the discussion questions are of great value, even on an individual basis.” – R.O.